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Old 03-06-2020, 07:52 PM
solleks solleks is offline
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Originally Posted by BlackBellamy [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
We're witnessing the largest transformation of American society before our very eyes. We are so fortunate to be living in these historic times.

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None of those people are going to go back to those offices ever. Weeks will pass, then months. It's never going to be safe enough, and besides everybody has been working from home for so long why bother? These magnificent structures will be turned into greenhouses or abandoned. Certainly of no use after The Great Distancing.

There will be no more concerts, not with crowds in them. Empty stadiums, except for the players, running around coughing among the mucous but still bravely trying to score for us watching the video. You will ride the plane encased in a plastic envelope. Our car door handles will ooze 60% alcohol gel as we drive around in circles waiting for our turn to go into the one-person Steri-Mart.

We need to preserve artifacts for historical purposes. Don't throw away the first mask you get. Label it with your name, when and where you got it, and put it in a bag for posterity.
Fake and gay