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Old 03-16-2020, 07:04 AM
Jimjam Jimjam is offline
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Originally Posted by Hoppkins_Wytchfinder [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Death rate of Covid-19 is about 3% average. Though on the John Hopkins tracker MORE than that have died but lets say 3% which appears to be the lower % here.

Death rate of H1N1 is comically lower.

Comparitivley if the date rates were similar and same get infected as H1N1 instead of 12400 deaths it will be 1.8 million. Maths is maths.

But its fine if your president says its fine because "He has a natural understanding of the virus".
40/1400= 3% mortality.
1200/60000000= 0.02% mortality.

Even assuming it is 100 times harder to correctly diagnose C19 (due to invisible symptoms, less tests, etc) it is still more deadly than h1n1.

The real question for the comparison is how well C19 will spread. E.g if the number of cases doubles fortnightly there will have been more cases of C19 in the US than H1N1 before the year is out. And thats assuming no one infected currently goes undiagnosed.

I’m worried how things will go in UK. Current policy is business as usual, take a week off if coughing or high temperature. We voted the ‘Business First’ party and they seem to be sticking to that.