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Old 04-05-2020, 06:23 PM
Snaggles Snaggles is offline
Planar Protector

Join Date: Jul 2011
Posts: 2,668

There are a lot of people who are still on blue but aren't raiding VP. Many active 50+ raiding shamans dont have epics but will eventually. Some are 60 and don't raid at all or have an epic (I got my ranger Swiftwind at 58!). This game complies with the principle of free will.

If you want to join a casual guild and get a tear you will probably need a few levels (55+ is usually ideal for raiding unless you are a vox-naggy toon) Or save up the plat and buy one. If going the cheap route patience will reward you...if it's a deal-breaker you should level up a druid, rogue or ranger.

Sorry for the soap-box wisdom but this game is meant to be fun. If you have pixel lust and aren't willing to sacrifice the real-life hours (and likely some RL friendships) you won't ever have the "best of the best gear". That doesn't mean though you can't join a fun capable but low pressure guild and get the 2nd best gear in the game.

What are you willing to sacrifice?
At what point is your gear "good enough"?
Are you here to give back and help people are just socking for the DKP's?

Those questions will dictate your trajectory; no judgement for any of your goals. Different strokes for different folks and all that. I saw a lvl 52 pally in HK with a Tunare sword and thought "damn that's awesome!". 20 years ago I would have hated that person. I guess setting the bar low has some advantages [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.].

PS: When the level cap is 60, levels > gear. Keep grinding and making money. Do what you can, when you can but don't say "I wont level without my epic" or you will quickly paint yourself into a corner...
Last edited by Snaggles; 04-05-2020 at 06:27 PM..