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Old 04-21-2020, 02:14 PM
Hyjalx Hyjalx is offline

Join Date: Jan 2017
Posts: 82
Default Good fix Nilbog, but how about making this playable now?

Bout time on the removal of recharges. I mean, for all its worth, this cheesed the game.

Can we now make this a real server again and unroot the dragons? This isn't working man. Ya killed all the guilds on blue or any small numbers to do things on their own by forcing people to form 100+ man guilds for rooted dragons on a server that has lost 30-40% of its population since its peak. Even if Green wasn't released, it still destroyed many guilds and much of the the community along with it.

This was after going through the foot race era which was equally as terrible. Can we please just go back to basics? Is it really that hard to ask? Or we are custom EQ forever now? With recharges adjusted this needs to be looked at.

I have made my opinion on lists clear (they are equally as terrible for the game), but at the very least, make blue playable first. As an EQ enthusiast, this has become an embarrassment.