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Old 04-27-2020, 11:10 PM
Topgunben Topgunben is offline

Join Date: Sep 2014
Posts: 1,436
Default Ideas on how to balance classes

These arent changes I want implemented on this server, but I was curious what you thought about class changes to balance things out.

Heres what I would do do even the playing field:
  • Bard - Reduce PBAOE songs range to 15
  • Cleric - Nothing
  • Druid - Remove group port spells
  • Enchanter - Charm is too powerful- increase chance of break
  • Magician - increase mana required by all spells
  • Monk - remove Mend
  • Necro - reduce pet damage and remove feign death
  • Paladin -nothing
  • Ranger - increase melee damage, minor innate regen and mana regen
  • Rogue - add feign death
  • Shad. Knight - nothing
  • Shaman - nothing
  • Warrior - innate regen and 10hp per Stamina. Dual wield at level, add mend
  • Wizard - increase efficiency of DD spells, Only class that can port

What do you think?