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Old 06-01-2020, 04:51 PM
stylingpat stylingpat is offline

Join Date: May 2014
Posts: 44

Originally Posted by mcoy [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Do you have the game installed in the default (program files) directory? If so, that's because your ini files aren't saved in there due to it being a protected location. They'll be in your C:\Users\<username>\AppData\ folders and you can copy them out of there to restore your UI settings.

I still dont understand how that adjustment is "pulling" a different UI?

See my game runs fine hooked up to monitors. But if I want to play just on the laptop screen around the house, I get the "cannot read memory" error.

But that adjustment of turning the compatibility mode on the EQGAME.exe, fixes it... but it resets my entire UI and keybindings.

I'm still loading the game from Launch Titanium.. so I dont understand how that change pulls an entire new set of UI information.

I did find my UI files in the /user data but I didnt copy and paste them over.

Wait a min....

If my UI files are being stored in /user/appdata

Pasting them over would mean... there is a set being used in my /program files(x84) directory.

Does this mean EQGame.exe is NOT being used, untill I turn on compatability mode and allow authorized user?

How is the game being loaded?


Wait, I did not find the UI files in /user/appdata

When I searched through there for "sony" or anything related, the files that came back were from my /(user name)/downloads

Which were the ones I downloaded when initially installing the client. So I couldnt find any type of save UI files the client is automatically saving
Last edited by stylingpat; 06-01-2020 at 04:55 PM..
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