Thread: Why don't I see
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Old 06-16-2011, 02:59 PM
WizardEQ WizardEQ is offline

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Originally Posted by Duma [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Both scenarios are idiotic and illogical.

Bob makes 60g's a year. How much does his wife make? They are made out to be poor yet they are probably pulling at least 100K combined.

The unmarried guy makes only a few thousand a year more and spends like heroine addict while living like a king.
Ok, let's make the scenarios better. Let Bob's wife work part-time as a nurse making $20k. She has to be home to raise the kids. Also, let Bob have a summer job as a landscaper making another $10k per year. Oh, and while we're doing this to make it more realistic, make them both in their mid-40s with 4 kids instead of one, and a dog and a cat. Now it's much closer to reality. You have a family of 6 making $90k, owning their home, putting extra $$$ into savings, living frugally, and doing staycations instead of extravagant vacations every other year. Point out what's "illogical" about that. It's actually BETTER than how most American's live and above the national average.

Adam's making $50k more than Bob's family. Per capita, for Adam it's $140k; for Bob it's $15k per head.

Do you really think these people don't exist? Where are you from?

I personally know 3 CEO's, one who made over $8M last year including bonuses and stock options. She (yes that's correct, a woman) can easily afford Adam's lifestyle, but you know what? In no, way shape or form does she. Why? Because she's not an ignoramus like Adam. She is a self-made, highly-educated, intelligent, knowledgeable person who has made the correct choices in life.

I also have a close friend who works full-time and her husband does, too. Both are hard-working professionals that make over $100k/year and have 2 kids. They cannot save a dime use credit cards to buy everything. She has built up debt to around $30k. Very nice people but ignorant.