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Old 07-04-2020, 09:02 AM
Entee Entee is offline
Scrawny Gnoll

Join Date: Nov 2016
Posts: 20

Originally Posted by Baler [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]

The only Race for Necro is IKSAR

I went erudite on green and put 25 points into STA and 5 into AGI, because lich turns life into mana.

Erudite, Dark Elf and Gnome are options Pre-Kunark. Post Kunark IKSAR IS KING
Erudite = paineel, highest INT, Neutral
Dark Elf = Reaper of dead, 2nd highest int, Evil
Gnome = Tinkering, see thru walls, 3rd highest int, good?

I really can't encourage anyone to put 25 points in STR when weight reduction bags are in the game. Some people feel it helps, I think they're not min/maxing.
If Iksar were an option now, I'd probably go Iksar. However, that's like what, 4-5 months away? By then, I'll probably already be level 40+ if I were to make a pre-kunark Necro now.

Not to mention, come day 1 of Kunark, there will probably be a million level 1 Iksar Necros running all over the place, and all the good Necro solo exp spots 1-50 will probably be perma camped for months while everyone is leveling their new characters, right?

Most importantly though, I don't want to have to wait months to start playing a Necro. I want to make one soon and start leveling it up while I can.

You mentioned you can't encourage anyone to go 25 Str because it's not min/maxing. With that said, what would you consider min/maxing for a pre-kunark Necro? Erudite 25 Sta 5 Agi?

If so, why 25 Sta and not 25 Int?
Isn't raw Int more mana than Sta converted to mana from Lich?