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Old 07-23-2020, 06:18 PM
Lune Lune is offline
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Originally Posted by cd288 [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Couple of thoughts:

- If you see boxers and don’t report them you are part of the problem

- I wouldn’t always assume that people who log on to buff are boxing. On both Blue and Green I’ve seen people ask a guildy or friend in discord if they’d be willing to hop on. The person logs on the character, buffs quickly, and then goes back to what they were doing. Not all buff situations are someone using a boxed toon to do it.

- For anyone questioning whether the staff enforce boxing because you think you see it happening I would say a couple of things. One, sometimes what looks like boxing isn’t; I’ve petitioned multiple people over the years who I was very sure were boxing only to have a staff member test them and have them be fine. Two, just because you see people boxing doesn’t mean the staff aren’t trying to enforce it; they’re volunteers with limited time doing what they can so unless they’re online to see it happening at that time there’s no a lot they can do. When I was CSR back on live we’d occasionally be asked to try and crack down on boxing under zone disruption theories whenever it was getting out of hand; you have to catch it can have all the data you want showing IPs and computer IDs and other trends, but you have to catch them at it live which means there will always be some you miss.
I know what boxing looks like. The cases I'm talking about are ones where their movements and behaviors were highly indicative of boxing beyond a reasonable doubt.

Funny enough while people do have friends park their high lvls nearby and log in to buff, it can't be nearly as common as I encounter this situation in-game. Nevertheless it doesn't scream boxing to me til i watch their movements.