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Old 08-03-2020, 01:36 PM
galach galach is offline
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Default Freedom & Aegis Alliance are suspended from raid content in Kael for 1 week

We appreciate everyone that worked through the new raid petitions process. It made it much easier for us to work through the evidence. We also feel the transparency will help with some frustrations among all players involved.

Here is our findings and final judgement.

Riot is claiming Freedom and AEGIS violated the rules by stalling Statue. Riot is also claiming they used a known pathing bug to do this stall.

We found Freedom/Aegis stalled Statue. There was claim they were trying to pull Statue out of the pathing bug but casting spells on Statue clearly showed they were using the bug to their advantage. Freedom/Riot also had experienced players with them that know the mechanics of this bug and the amount of time he was stuck was unreasonable.

Freedom and Aegis are suspended from raid content in Kael for one week starting at 12:01 a.m. 08-07-20

Snapshots of all guilds have been taken.

Note for all players. There's a very clear way to pull mobs out of this bug/or avoid all together. Use your experienced pullers. If this bug is a topic of future raid petitions we will hand out much harsher punishments and anyone involved in the pull will get personal PNP violations for exploiting pathing.