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Old 08-16-2020, 08:58 AM
sideshow sideshow is offline

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Posts: 49
Default I have just started on it a waste?

I just started a character on red about a month ago. I'm a casual player getting in an hour here, couple hours there. Played back in the day and am greatfull for having the chance to relive the experience. Anyways, was reading through some threads and came across all the kerfuffle regarding the future of red server. This left me wondering if I'm waiting my time. I really enjoy the game but have little time to play so id like to make my play time count. I have a couple characters on blue, 29 Enchanter, 29 Necro. There are many classes I never tried so when Im in a rut and want fresh content I just start another character. So my question to the community would be; should I continue with my red character or am I just wasting my time?