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Old 08-31-2020, 10:01 PM
Castle2.0 Castle2.0 is offline
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Thanks for the bids Bagavan and Ripgozko. Some big jumps there make me slightly suspicious, but I'm obviously happy to see higher bids. I just expected a competitive 1k increment battle this late - maybe I am wrong. Maybe someone wants to swoop in and lock it in.

Jwaltz and Zwieback, feel free to keep bidding (no need to bid 151 or 171, can bid 135 or whatever you like) in case these late bids are troll bids / not genuine. They may very well be legit, but I have experienced some trolling in EQ, believe it or not =)

If these bids turn out to be last-minute troll bids with no intention to follow through, I will accept the highest legitimate bid. I promised it'd go to highest (legit) bidder. It will.

Want to make sure people have a fair shot and aren't motivated to bid higher due to fake bids, but also don't stop bidding thinking they are outbid by a bidder (who may have no intention of buying)

For example...
If Bagavan and Ripgozko are yanking my chain and don't intend to follow through on their bids and purchase, jwaltz would be current winner at 134k.
Even though there is a 150k and 170k bid, if someone bid 135k, and 150/170 fell through, it would go to the 135k person. If 170 falls through and 150 is a legit bid, it will go to 150.
If you think the 150 and 170 are legit bids, feel free to bid higher. I don't know either bidder and can't vouch for their authenticity. Will only know when bidding closes and people show up with money. Use your own discretion.

Sorry guys, I can't control who posts and who doesn't, so I can't vet bids. For future auctions I think I'd take a 5K down payment to enter auction - winner gets the item for the price minus the 5K downpayment. Non-winners get 5k refund. This would make people put some skin in the game to even bid, instead of just a forum account.
Last edited by Castle2.0; 08-31-2020 at 10:05 PM..