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Old 09-26-2020, 07:47 PM
Cawin Cawin is offline

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Join Date: Jun 2011
Posts: 131

Nice to hear!

These forum posts always are started by someone who had a bad experience (usually via misunderstanding) and rage out. Then you hear from a bunch of professional ForumQuesters that haven't seen the Ocean of Tears in 10 years. The amount of people that have utilized the centralized player list with positive results is staggering and the positive comments I hear are awesome.

The list got attacked as a result of a forum complaint that I think the author was very much in the wrong on (so did guide) and had to be locked. It was officially "dead" and guess how people celebrated the "horrible, terrible, worst thing, welfare pixel" list death? Oh, they kept using and continued on.
Gefragschlimmer Verheustensteugler - Heyokah of <Kingdom>