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Old 10-05-2020, 08:10 PM
hobart hobart is offline
Fire Giant

Join Date: Aug 2018
Posts: 857

Not having to compete your way on to the rotation seems bogus.

There should be no rotation until you FTE that golem. Once you do, you earn a spot and that golem starts getting rotated once there's two or more groups. If you fail to kill your golem within X hours of spawning, anyone else can FTE and bump you off the rotation in which case you need to re-earn your slot. They can also FTE past you within the window and bump you if you wipe.

Assuming 4 or more capable guilds, this also offers the option for one guild to hold out and not only take all the golems, but also affect the rotation. On a repop, maybe Kittens decide they don't like Riot and take their golems but leave AG's and Freedom's up? Now Riot has to compete to get their slot back by contesting Freedom's or AG's golem. Whose will they take?