Thread: Warrior race
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Old 12-05-2020, 02:12 AM
Nagoya Nagoya is offline
Fire Giant

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disclaimer: this is considering you play on Blue99, and are a filthy twink like all of us, and that you are planning to solo a bunch.

this disclaimer is important because if it is not the case, then it doesn't matter at all and the only thing that matters is FashionQuest. (which may still be the case even with the disclaimer btw, all races are very playable; pick your favorite ass to look at)

i played all races of warrior. when i'm done with one i start a new one because i'm dumb. here is my current breakdown in order from strongest to weakest. in parentheses the suggested starting stats.

TIER 1 (min-maxxing)

Ogre (+25 DEX)
pros: front stun immunity, big race (slam), best stats hands down
cons: big race, very common, quite ugly, evil faction

Troll (+20 DEX +3 STR +2 STA)
pros: natural HP regen, big race (slam)
cons: big race, quite ugly, evil faction

TIER 2 (still very good)

Barbarian (+25 DEX)
pros: big race (slam)
cons: blind as fuck, big race

Dwarf (+10 STR +10 STA +5 DEX)
pros: barrel rolls! +5 MR, small race
cons: no slam, ugly Female models w/o barrel rolls

TIER 3 (sure why not)

Halfling (+20 STR +5 STA)
pros: hide & sneak. +5% xp bonus. small race. rounded stats
cons: no slam, ugly as fuck

Iksar (+20 STR +5 STA)
pros: natural HP regen, swimming (100), AC bonus, start on kunark
cons: ugly 2HX animation, can't wear most plate armor, 'very evil' faction

TIER 4 (why)

Half Elf (+20 STR +5 STA)
pros: can choose from many religions, different starting hubs, and different factions
cons: nothing really, just weak stats

Human (+15 STR +10 STA)
pros: can choose from many religions, different starting hubs, and different factions
cons: blind as fuck

Gnome (+25 STR)
pros: wall vision. clockwork armor, small race, tinkering and neutral faction
cons: very weak ass stats for a warrior

TIER 5 (hard mode tryboi)

Wood Elf (+25 STR)
pros: rare, look cute, they have hide and forage
cons: very weak ass stats for a warrior

Dark Elf (+25 STR)
pros: rare, look badass, they have hide and ultravision
cons: very weak ass stats for a warrior, evil faction


'big race' as a cons is because of all the stupid ducking. as a pros because of Slam.
'small race' a a pros because of the better view/maneuverability and some reduced weight on some armor.

as a Warrior you will probably use a 2HX from level 20 to 46, and not being able to reliably interrupt during these levels sucks a ton, the big races have a huge advantage on every other races because of this (Slam).

but if you can own two very very good 1HX weapons then you can fast switch a Clay Guardian Shield and Bash or something. But this is definitely playing in hard mode for a Warrior (see disclaimer)

i don't put the 'gnome twink' super high personnally, even tho gnome is arguably my favorite race and my gnome warrior was probably the most fun to play, i don't know why people always say the gnome twink with 40% haste is better than sliced bread, i wonder if they have really tried it... i have and this is the ranking i give it. fight me hehe.

TLDR; in your situation and considering both threads and what we know, i would recommend wholeheartedly the Barbarian Warrior.
Unless I am mistaken and you are planning to start this Warrior on Green. If so, then see top-of-post, FashionQuest should be your sole and only concern.
Nausicaa, Barbarian Warrior of the Wind ♡45♡
Nagoya, Halfling Druid of Karana ♡54♡
Last edited by Nagoya; 12-05-2020 at 02:18 AM..