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Old 12-15-2020, 11:46 AM
xdrcfrx xdrcfrx is offline

Join Date: Nov 2017
Posts: 228

Originally Posted by loramin [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
No, my suggestion removes the unclassic game we've made up here, and restores the game to the way it was in '01. And that game was ...

Scout was never meant to be a loot pinata for the server! Like all the rest of the major Velious quests, it was intended solely for players in (high-end) guilds, and you were expected to bring a raid force with you to do it.

Just look at Spirit of Garzicor, Dain Ring, or any of the others: they all require a high-end guild, because Velious was mainly a high-end raiding expansion (it didn't increase the level cap, so they had to have something for the large number of level 60s to do).

The only exception was the Shawl quest, and that's because it was the "tradeskill epic". So again, it doesn't matter if everyone likes soloing more and showing up to roll for phat lewtz; the whole point of this place is classic EQ, and classic EQ was a game where having friends was considered a plus.
p99 blue is never going to be like classic because classic wasn't still in velious five years later. in the context of a server that's already selectively classic in a number of different ways, seeking to make scout worse for everybody because of some kind of classic fundamentalism is misguided. we've already been given enough hair shirts to wear. current rule set leaves scout predictable, keeps the window drift to a minimum, and makes the quest accessible to everyone. scout works fine.

Also: why start with "no," and disagree, if you're ultimately just conceding that yes, you do want to turn scout into a game of "who can bring the most guildies."
Last edited by xdrcfrx; 12-15-2020 at 11:50 AM..