Thread: Kabull
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Old 12-27-2020, 03:53 PM
lookitsjb lookitsjb is offline

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Originally Posted by Psyborg [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
We would never leave a blocker to an hour of the day where riot would have an issue mustering numbers.
There really is no hour of the day that Riot cant muster numbers. That's not a flex, if anything, it reinforces the main purpose of this thread...

Originally Posted by Psyborg [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
What you’re describing is leaving up a blocker so that we could have a chance at competing and was only something that was an issue before the Vulak blocker rule was added.
I'm not sure I'm following this piece; "Leaving a blocker was only an issue before the blocker" doesn't make sense to me. I think I get what you're saying based on the below sentence though...

Originally Posted by Psyborg [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
It was rather silly that killing the last blocker effectively put you at a major disadvantage for Vulak.
So yeah, this one I don't fully grasp, as it wasn't Riot that stalled Lady N for the FTE Lottery on Vulak, it was FRAG. At this particular Raid, FRAG had about +30 more people combined in comparison to Riot, but still held the Lady N engage for over an hour.

Regardless; to get back to the meat-and-potatoes of this thread, you touched on something extremely important here; waiting until competition is reduced.

I'm not in any way speaking on behalf of Riot, Kittens, FRAG, etc. just as some sad-sack that plays a 20 year old elf sim like the rest of you guys. But the purpose of waiting isn't to reduce competition, but to reduce the impact of that competition. We're all in the UN channel and see the bickering that goes back-and-forth in there. 30 year olds acting like children over pixels that respawn in a week (Someone can insert the "Sorry you didn't get Warder's loot" here [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.])

No one enjoys investing a ton of time into prep just to get trained by another guild, then watch that guild leapfrog and kill something. And that isn't a dig at FRAG or Riot, that's just a general statement. It's hard to claim you want competition in any guild, when you're unwilling to accept loss or failure. If mistakes drive you to do un-sportsman like shit, then competition isn't your motivator; winning is, and you're proving to the entire community you're willing to cheat to win.

The "target" of this thread took the game to a level that it should never be taken to. It's concerning that someone would reach out in 15-minute intervals wishing harm upon another person. IRL that would legit warrant a restraining order or court appearance. The trajectory of this raid-scene and community isn't healthy if the first resort when seeing this is to poke fun or mock someone in this state of mind...

Just my 2 cents though.