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Old 01-08-2021, 02:11 PM
hobart hobart is offline
Fire Giant

Join Date: Aug 2018
Posts: 857

Originally Posted by kjs86z [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
I voted for America. I voted for Trump.

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Proudboys have a name for black people who waste their money on bullshit. We need one for beigenecks who've conned themselves into thinking they're successful and fill their garages and driveways with trailers, boats, motorcycles, and various redneck apparatus.

We had this country-fried scumbag from South Carolina buy the first house as you enter our neighborhood. 11 houses and everyone has 1-3 reasonable vehicles and parks their shit in the garage like they're supposed to. But Cletus had a boat and this F250 that he kept parked in his driveway for the better part of two years. He tried to play games where he moved them for a week here and there, but he was clearly in violation of the covenants. We fined the shit out of him which he didn't pay. It took 2 1/2 years, but we were able to lien his house and force him to sell to avoid foreclosure.

Luckily this was before Trump, so we were at least spared all of that. But Cletus would have definitely had Trump flags. He had a Calvin pissing window sticker on his truck, and that's a slippery slope that only leads one way...