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Old 03-13-2021, 07:35 PM
A Knight A Knight is offline
Fire Giant

Join Date: Jan 2020
Posts: 643

Originally Posted by Shadewe [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Hello all,

1) Thinking of making a Warrior. Are they playable without a shield? E.g. if I wanted to use a 2H weapon or 2x1 handed weapons, is that doable? Or, are they expected to be a tank only? I know there are other classes (rogue, monk) that might do it better, which is why I ask. Does race matter for them a lot?

2) It is wise to spend plat on low level gear? For example, my cleric has nothing on the face and secondary yet, and I was debating spending a little plat to get something. Is it worth it or hold off? Is there a gear by lvl guide? I found a gear guide but it has everything, and I can't afford 99% of it.

Thanks in advance.
Warrior needs probably at least about 400pp in gear, including full suit of banded and/or pieces of bronze. Then the rest on two one handers, or a decent one hander and a 45hp ring. Shields are not like shields in Wow where some specs absolutely need them. Warriors don't really use two handers except occasionally, and are not worthless if you get one for free, unless its pvp.

Sk/Pal need shield but they can swap them in and out and it wont destroy your character to have either or, except two handers are bad under level 20. By the time you critically need the opposite of what you have, you will be high level and can join a guild to camp what you need.