Thread: Love
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Old 03-15-2021, 12:39 PM
magnetaress magnetaress is offline
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Originally Posted by Gravydoo II [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Not flying off the fucking handle over every little thing is love. You tolerate them, they tolerate you, forever. Or ill kill that bitch.... lol im kidding.

Seriously though, maybe back off the gas on this one. Love can be lots of things. I know I loved my dog more than most humans, but i wouldnt marry my dog. Find someone you like to chill with, someone you can just talk to freely. Find someone you can forgive and someone who can forgive you. We're all fucked up, especially the closet homo's from the desert of a state that sponsors terrorism. First thing though is feeling like you're worth it. Love yourself, yo. If your life is a wreck, have a laugh. Take pride in that pile up. We're all gonna die, go get some.

You could do all the things you said you're unsure of, if you tried. I fucking hate messy people. My gf is messy, yet I dont hate her. Its strange, love is. lol
Yeah. I agree. That's almost everyone.

Probably why Iove to post here.

I don't, didn't want to complain. I'm really sick though... how to even boundaries? Virtual online relationship only?

I like myself. Accept myself. I certainly dont hate myself. Maybe I'm a bit bored with myself and that is sorta externalized. Somehow.

I wish I had the real energy to go even sorta exploring the web for real or really engage with new random people. Maybe that is part of it. If I felt better, I'd be ready to put myself out there aside from this closeted little hermit hole.

I don't hate anyone. Even the people that have really hurt me. I even posted about that..

Maybe I'm a really loving and caring human being and I just need to accept that and accept myself for how much of this spectral, unquantifieable everything love you speak of.

Originally Posted by Jibartik [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Love is what quantumly connects two souls.

Once you and another soul find true love for each other, you become quantumly connected, when you die, you remain quantumly connected, with all the loved ones you have connected with throughout your lifetime.

Quantum connections are not absolute, and can break, so dont die hated and alone or you may drift through the black void that way.

I am pretty sure this might possibly be real but also made it up.
This is dope.
Originally Posted by Cecily [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Mag, I love you!
I love you too. Biiiiiig virtually massive hugs. Let's go to your quantum realms tho [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]