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Old 03-27-2021, 03:43 PM
Danth Danth is offline
Planar Protector

Join Date: Oct 2009
Posts: 3,272
Default Item: Spirit Talker's Headdress graphic glitch(es)

Other users have asked me to post about this one.

Spirit Talker's Headdress seems to have some graphic oddities. The item is described on sites like archives of Allakhazam as having a standard old world leather graphic (polar bear hat on a Barbarian) with no special remarks made otherwise. Here are the strange behaviors I have seen on P1999:

First, the headdress displays only locally for the wearer; other users see no equipped head item at all. This is odd enough. However, it gets odder: If the player casts Form of the Great Bear on himself (I have not been able to test other illusion-type spells), then removes the illusion effect, the headdress now appears as a a standard chain coif graphic (not leather) visible to both the wearer AND to other players. Un-equipping and re-equipping the helm resets it to its P99 default configuration of being a leather-graphic helm visible only to the user with no graphic seen by other players. I only have access to a Barbarian Shaman to test with so I cannot tell whether this second issue affects ALL races or if its a glitch specific to the bear hat coupled with polar bear illusion.
