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Old 05-16-2021, 07:13 PM
Ennewi Ennewi is offline

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Originally Posted by G13 [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Considering what we know now (where the vast majority of infections occur) that was the worst possible advice
"So stay home and don't see anyone." When outside "don't socialize too close".

If that's the worst possible advice than there must be scientific articles out there that say as much. Meanwhile, even the religious were listening to the scientific community...

Historical cancellations of Hajj
Hajj (pilgrimage) has been cancelled 40 times through the history of Islam due to disease outbreaks, political disagreements, and battles.[16][17] In 930-940 CE (318-328 AH), Hajj was canceled due to the Qarmatian attack, which led to the murder of 30,000 pilgrims and the looting of the Black Stone.[18][19] In 1831, Hajj was suspended after the arrival of Indian pilgrims in Mecca led to the outbreak of a new plague, which is claimed to have killed more than half of the pilgrims in Mecca.[20] The first outbreak of cholera in Mecca occurred in 1846, killing more than 15,000 and causing a citywide plague lasting until 1850. A second outbreak of cholera happened in 1858, leading to pilgrims being quarantined inside Hajj camps in Egypt.[21][22]
Participant Selection
On 23 June 2020, Saudi Arabia announced Hajj would be held for a limited number of pilgrims who resided within the country due to the high risk of COVID-19.[25][26] The Saudi Ministry of Hajj and Umrah imposed restrictions to the type of pilgrims who can attend Hajj in 2020, only healthy Saudi residents between the ages of 20 and 50 with no COVID-19 symptoms were allowed to participate.[27][28][29] Participants had to first apply online, and preference was given to those who had not attended in the past.[30] Pilgrims were chosen from the COVID-19 recovery database, 70% of them were non-Saudi residents.[31]

Only ten thousand pilgrims were expected, as opposed to over two million in previous years.[32]

Seat proximity and increased risk


Sitting near the ill passenger was strongly tied to increased infection risk. Eleven of the 12 infected passengers sitting one or two seats away (92%) tested positive for COVID-19, versus only 1 (13%) more than two seats away (risk ratio, 7.3).
It seems like it would be hard to take a flight or make a pilgrimage from home, on the couch. Maybe with enough g13 in one's system though...

Originally Posted by G13 [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Then again, that's what you get for taking medical advice from a celebrity
For once we agree...

...though people ought to be able to use their celebrity inasmuch as they are used by the entertainment industry, just not with impunity.