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Old 06-05-2021, 04:28 PM
RecondoJoe RecondoJoe is offline

Join Date: May 2020
Posts: 241

For context, when we were camping Lower Guk and an SMR dropped, he said it has to go to the casters since any FBSS, TBB, SSoY, Mith 2 hander will go to him.. where does this leave Cleric exactly..? Waited until a big pull and camped out as they died.

Babra? Literally anything a Ranger can equip is a Ranger item. Nightshade Wreath? Ranger item -- so I'm taking it! Granite bracer? Ranger item -- so I'm taking it! Cleric-only item drops? Everyone should be allowed to roll on this item!

Merenya full mana while tank literally dies as I'm trying to get a complete heal off, never nukes, never does anything, no DPS, no nothing. Won't charm a Sonic bat because too scary. Useless individual.

Same with Zapa. An Enchanter who doesn't use charm OR clarity. Necros in the group were having to CC for him.

The guys who stole my camp? Wasn't a big deal. They only stole the camp because I allowed them to. I could have easily 1 shotted the mobs in 3.5 seconds, but when I saw new players show up, I was more than willing to hand the camp off. I usually will see that as a good time to take a break, and tend to be thankful for others showing up. Both of these individuals were extremely shady and rude, refusing to communicate and trying soooooo hard to KS and even train me.

And I'm glad they have the right to do so, I really am. Like no one should have a monopoly on a camp indefinitely. But I also want to remind them the next time they need a group or healer that they should attempt to interact with players in a way that is more civilized, and thus their names made the list of people who will be held to account in the future.