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Old 07-20-2021, 08:25 AM
Barlu Barlu is offline
Fire Giant

Join Date: Feb 2016
Posts: 741
Default Burning Woods Mob Makeup/Density

I’ve been leveling a bard recently and have been swarming (not everyone’s favorite I know) and looking for a new place to exp. After watching an old YouTube of someone swarming in BW it looked like there were tons of wasps, undead, and gorillas to swarm with very few sarnaks.

When I’ve been out looking for mobs there seems to be a lot more Sarnaks and fewer wasps/gorillas/skellys. My question is with the release of Chardok 2.0 did they also change the spawns in Burning Woods? Do the wasps and gorillas have shared spawns with the potential to spawn as Sarnaks? If that’s the case I can see how another Bard may have swarmed it until it was all Sarnaks. Also could be I’m just bad.

Thanks and any feedback on this would be appreciated