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Old 07-31-2021, 11:37 PM
Jibartik Jibartik is offline
Planar Protector

Join Date: May 2015
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Originally Posted by busted [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Resurrecting this gem of a thread:

What are some of the fun things you've done (solo or duo preferably) that aren't the typical XP or farming experience? Anything that involved a bit of lateral thinking. Not necessarily exploits, just ways of interacting with the game mechanics that aren't so obvious.

What are your faves?
here's a fun and simple trick to get teens enchanter some starting plat and quick easy exp

go to OOT and charm this cool looking npc that backstabs

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Take her over to the SF island to get a sow because there's always someone there with sow. Or hopefully there is a druid camping the spec's on the garg isle.

- take sowed back staber pet to garg island and cast fear on gargs, and have her race around and back stab them.
- bonus if you keep her below 20% she runs when breaking so you can charm her as early as it can land for max exp cons (lvl 18 or so, she is 20 iirc) because she will run when charm breaks (just dont lose her circling the island looking for gargs or skells)
- she easily 1 shots skells that you just face agro
- does good work is powerful and cool looking
- good pet

But this got me a few k in garg eyes I think 18-22 is the optimal range I reckon.