Thread: Career Best
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Old 08-16-2021, 05:55 PM
imperiouskitten imperiouskitten is offline

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Originally Posted by Jibartik [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Not only did this guy say "It was trumps fault" he said "any country that wont fight for itself isnt worth saving"

lol effing frenchies!


At least we know that the pandemic would have been equally as fubar either party was in control.

How the hell did they not have an emergency backup plan my god.
early on the spiral

u seem to be confused. What biden said is, it is not worth fighting for a cause for ppl who do not themselves feel called to fight for that cause. he was admitting that we were contravening their collective will, and that continued occupation is morally wrong as well as totally wasteful/insane, while throwing bones to the major narratives. Notice that he did not call the honor of the deserters into question, but actually questioned the very cause which they were being called to fight for. He did use the strong language about the lame-o deserters to satisfy that memetic requirement, but he stopped short of actually criticizing. Merely said if they wouldn't fight for a western style centralized democracy, even if we civilized agree it is "the future", then the sooner we cease disrupting the social order there the better. The ones he spoke of disdainfully flew themselves out of the country, he was talking about the corrupt elites we were propping up.

Events of course completely vindicate Biden. If the country falls in 10 days at this point, there is zero argument for even another day occupying. It only creates collaborators and Taliban targets to be killed or imprisoned when the wind blows the other way. What a horrible position the foolish softness of Obama put us in. This should have stopped with that idiot Bush. (I know things don't work like that, but yes, everyone who chose to extend the war even one day is implicated in a huge disaster here. hope the war economy was worth it.)

Best presidential speech of my lifetime possibly =x subtly written too. When we needed our executive to pull the plug, show us the results of our imperial adventure and admit to our sins, he was there and did so with a remarkable grace & speaking with proper diction. Decency is back. guess it will go over most heads
Last edited by imperiouskitten; 08-16-2021 at 06:06 PM..