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Old 08-25-2021, 01:43 PM
unsunghero unsunghero is offline

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Originally Posted by imperiouskitten [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
I respect the poast and image. But what I want to know is, if on paper the armies look fine, does Joe Biden have any ability to assert granular control over operations? I honestly don't know. The one way I can see covering for Biden's response is to say that the corruption in the military establishment meant he was being stonewalled, and his most granular means of control was to pull the plug. What you think about that?

for me, i see that again we are left to color our perspective with our opinions, because the spy society means you don't even know your ass from a hole in the ground. Can't say whether there is a top secret legal code to consider in all this. For all we know Bernie quit the last race because a man in a suit told him secret law says no socialism. It's a prism and it's gotten away from us. [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.] and on that basis, all I can do is approve of the fact that we are not there in Afghanistan actively building up to an ever-harder fall.

I guess part of what I mean is, the one way for Biden to make this right is for HEADS TO ROLL. Where are the heads Biden? Reach back into the Obama years and hang these fuckin torturing traitors who radicalized the world against us, or we're still in theater world.
Fair question, what role does the us president actually play in military operations?

The president is considered the “Commander and Chief” of the armed forces. There are some checks and balances however, a president alone cannot declare war anymore, that has to be a vote by congress

But aside from a declaration of war, the president can have a strong influence on particular military operations. For example, apparently it was always a goal of Obama’s to get Osama Bin Laden, according to Obama himself

And it was Trump’s decision and authorization for the us military to kill the commander of the Iranian forces, Suleimani. This could have been seen as a bit of a gamble, since Iran could have tried to declare war in response. Trump probably banked on the fact that Iran knows a declaration of war on the US spells the end of their regime, it’s a war they cannot win. And it turns out he was right, all Iran did was fire some missles at a US base they announced they would attack allowing us to pull our personnel out. This appeared to be an attempt for them to “save face” and pretend to retaliate in order to not look cowardly

Trump likely would have done the same thing with the Taliban takeover, which is to come over the top with his response (not go into hiding like Biden did), and bank on the fact that the Taliban, like Iran, would back down from a war with US military. However, realistically had Trump still been in office, the Taliban would not have tried to take over. They had already seen his response to the Iran attack on the US embassy in Syria, and would be expecting a similar response from Trump. The fact the Taliban always wanted to take over but waited until Trump was out of office is probably no coincidence