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Old 08-27-2021, 03:40 AM
Khaall Drogo Khaall Drogo is offline

Join Date: Mar 2017
Posts: 222

Originally Posted by Va1entines [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Listen im not trying to brag, or make anyone else feel bad. Im saying we arent cheating, we are spending hours a week practicing on test server. You are taking other peoples comments and using them against me. I just said he practice, and said how much we practice. We have a small group of racers who have FUN racing and consider the competition to be between each other. We have more fun racing on test server than we do sitting afk at idol camps. Im sure you can understand

I'd be glad to hop on you're test server, just hit me with the info.
Heh i honestly only said something because I read it as you saying you raced for 2500, not practice. 2500 practices doesnt seem crazy with the length of the windows on p99 it would make since to have plenty of time to practice while waiting for spawns.

I did throw the cringe out in response to others so fair enough there, however you did try to make it seem like the reason other guilds on the server dont "compete" because they arent smart enough to figure out basic things, like practicing on a test server. I understand having a group of friends attempting to beat each other for fun, and also getting better in the process! That i can get behind 100%

Sent ya a DM with insructions on getting imported into our test server to top try and top the leaderboard [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
[60 Luminary] Khaall Drogo (Barbarian) <The Second Sons>
[52 Cleric] Missandae (Human) <The Second Sons>
[55 Disciple] SaiyanPrince Vegeta (Human) <The Second Sons>
[57 Ranger] Breeann (Wood-Elf) <The Second Sons>
[40 Enchanter] Mellisandra (Human) <The Second Sons>