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Old 08-27-2021, 09:50 AM
xdrcfrx xdrcfrx is offline

Join Date: Nov 2017
Posts: 228

Originally Posted by dk0 [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
I'm still really curious about this and I'm not sure I'm clear on why you think the rule is a good thing to have. You mention being over the line and getting FTE-- you're allowed to have trackers over the line. What is the perceived benefit of getting tracker FTE? Why would any guild want that?

The only thing I landed on was what you said--intentionally interfering with another guild's engage. But that's pretty nonsensical and trivial to handle. FTE from a tracker lasts all of half a second while a mage gets one-shotted, and anything that would blatantly interfere with a team's engage would mean a competing raid force is there with substantial fraps. At that point it's literally no different from having any rando member interfere with the engage. What am I missing?
"oops my tracker got FTE and pulled that sev/gore/other pulled mob away from where it was, and then instead of losing the engage it just became a total mess! who would have thought it could happen. aww shucks."

why would you want to open up this can of worms? right now, it's a very clear and easy to apply rule. anything you replace it with is going to be more difficult to apply. certainly the history of this server, and especially it's current M.O., suggests that nuanced rules which require detailed analysis will only be the source of conflict. ambiguity = bad.

it's already the case that people argue that anything you do during the course of an FTE doesn't matter, if a new FTE goes out. doing away with tracker FTE almost certain to result in the following: tracker gets FTE; DA's and/or bumps the mob; caps out or dies; new member of same guild gets fresh FTE after mob has been significantly affected; that guild kills mob, argues that it's initial tracker FTE is meaningless because of subsequent yellow text.

you say you don't like the lawyerquesting? then stop trying to do away with the simple rules that are easy to enforce.