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Old 09-01-2021, 01:08 AM
Tunabros Tunabros is offline

Join Date: May 2018
Location: California, United States
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Default Should there really be a red 2.0? The age old question

Blue: Filled with raid drama + vulak DKP farmers
Green: "it's alright" (send quake pls)
Red: Drug users + boxers

Here's the problem: people won't stop being cringe and asking for red 2.0!

Why red is fine by itself

-People are still playing on it
-Peak 50 population
-No actual reason to delete it

Why do people not want to play it?

-It's filled with drug users
-No one wants to get ganked by 4 (one of them is a boxed cleric) overweight middle-age men and get yellowtexted to the whole server
-"low population"

Remember when red was fun?

-200-300 peak population
-Empire + Ragnorok days??
-People actually pvp with honor? (mostly)

Solution to "Red 2.0":

1. Delete red entirely and tell them to piss off to rise of zek
2. Do nothing and let them complain on forums for all eternity

Devs are based

Thanks for reading