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Old 10-02-2021, 02:28 PM
Midoo Midoo is offline

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Join Date: Sep 2017
Location: Tunisia
Posts: 188

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! UPDATE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My other characters don't do that. The character selection menu doesn't do that either. I just logged on my Halfling Druid who's in SK and my Dwarf Cleric who's in Crushbone and they didn't crash no matter how long I stayed.

There is SOMETHING in East Commonlands that is causing my client to fucking shit itself within seconds of loading the game. That thing possibly also walked in on my guild's platehouse run last night and when I was farming guards in Grobb.

Is there a potential thing like a mesh, texture, sound file or item that would cause the game to hang to death when loading? I would use procmon to check myself but apparently the client won't let you run if you have a resource monitor on so I'm totally helpless.

23 y/o forever DM and old school fantasy nerd - Discord: midoo
Odym Drekk
- 54 BAR SHM (main) || Midoo - 52 BAR WAR (alt)

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