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Old 10-11-2021, 06:46 PM
JurisDictum JurisDictum is offline

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You guys ever notice how the same policy paths Trump took are the same Biden is taking on just about everything? The rhetoric is far different than any actions I've seen. But even then, Biden was the most Trump-like Democrat in the field as far as personality and tone goes.

I was reading this think tank write up on Chinese trade policy:

Basically Biden is doing the same god damn shit on China. Part of the shipping crisis is that China has severely cut its consumption of western goods. Which means we are sending empty vessels back to China to fill up with more goods -- rather than shipping both ways. This obviously is a big hit to profits for the shipping industry.

Is any of this going to result in our country being better situated in real or relative economic gain? That's honestly all I give a shit about in the end. Unless you can sell me on the idea we could take some small economic hit so that workers would get paid far more -- but I have never seen any argument suggesting any course like that. In fact, we tend to call that stagflation.