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Old 11-05-2021, 09:19 PM
unsunghero unsunghero is offline

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Originally Posted by Gustoo [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
In the case of Kyle Rittenhouse he is in violation of a lot of stuff.

But when he shot someone who was in the process of beating him up, he did so in self defense.

For all the other crimes he committed he should hopefully receive justice. And he will probably get a felony regarding his possession and use of that firearm which will bar him from legally owning one for ?? the rest of his life ?? I think thats the law which is pretty hilarious like if you committed some other kind of crime you permanently lose your 1st amendment or other rights.

Anyone who is safe enough to be in society or safe enough to drive a car should be allowed to own guns, thats pretty easy.

Lets make this a gun policy fight thread?

Thanks for the quotes unsunghero i will not be looking into this case except to check in this thread occasionally.
Ya, I hadn’t actually seen the video until today, it does appear to be self-defense. But there will probably be some repercussions for how and why he put himself in that situation (meaning his choice to get a gun he shouldn’t legally have and go help out or be a hero or whatever his intentions were)

I’ve said it before and will say it again, don’t go near angry mobs. If it’s your own community, meaning the mob is marching down your block, then you gotta do what you gotta do. You’ll never see me grab a first aid kit and a gun and go run to where a violent mob is protesting, because I’m not prepared to die or kill someone for someone else’s business. If compete anarchy is upon us, I’ll be one of the first people locked and loaded in a vigilante group, ready to go out and die in an attempt to restore order. But I don’t think that day is gonna happen in my lifetime, luckily
Last edited by unsunghero; 11-05-2021 at 09:38 PM..