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Old 12-05-2021, 02:23 PM
Zenren Zenren is offline

Join Date: Jun 2014
Posts: 96
Default Magician is just not fun in P99

I played a magician in live, up until Luclan, when I finally left the game and I don't remember it being this miserable to play. Sure there was chain summoning, but the agro thing is just absurd. It was absolutely not like this. I feel like a core group of people get to say "this is what it was like" and even though the majority don't remember it being like that, if you have the ear of the emperor that's how it's going to be. Even if, and I say that with a grain of salt, even if it was like this, if everyone on green says they hate it, why keep it? Is it really that important to maintain the integrity of the actual P99 experience, if everyone that's experiencing it is miserable?

I've put my magician away now and I probably wont return unless it's fixed. It just isn't fun to play anymore and I don't see the point of playing if the only way I can efficiently solo is with an earth pet alone. Anyways that's my two cents. I'm sure this has been beaten into the ground, but I just returned and found out about these changes the hard way (mobs killing me because my pet dies and the second pet can't grab agro). Any thoughts?