Thread: WinEQ2
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Old 12-11-2021, 09:05 PM
MDeniseG MDeniseG is offline
Large Rat

Join Date: Dec 2021
Posts: 7

Hey, can I get some help with this? I just installed and I'm having some graphics lag. I tried the steps here, installed WinEQ2, tried to run it, and... nothing happens. I click "Yes" on the 'unknown publisher' window, and then... nothing.

Following Budder's advice 2 posts above, I then tried to set TARGET an START IN to my p99 launcher, and got a "not valid" error message.

When I click it again, it says "WinEQ2 has detected it's already running!" But I can't open it, can't see where it's running - it's not even showing up in my task manager.

Any advice? Thanks!
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