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Old 12-23-2021, 04:26 PM
Aadill Aadill is offline
Planar Protector

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Join Date: Jan 2010
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-Self teleports to all Druid locations and Surefall Glades.
Tolan's BP exists. Add an item for Surefall and call it a day.

- Regen spell in the early levels
Not against this. We get chloroplast but not regeneration? Dumb.

- Increased archery damage
Archery is currently wrong on P99 according to various sources.

- Increased archery skill
Why is it 240? I don't know. Absolutely stupid that we're gimped on defense even compared to rogues (200 vs 252) and gain no advantage on archery over them. Rogues get 250 in fucking THROWING whereas monks are stuck at 200. There is no fucking reason why rogues have a bump in an esoteric skill whereas rangers do not get a bump in a prolific one. There are far too many missteps with this and it makes sense for archery to be 250 alongside dipshit Rogue's throwing for 250.

Also fuck the fact that rogues have 252 in defensive. That's dumb and I want to find evidence that they should be at like, 175 or something. Fuck rogues and their ability to tank better than me.

- Autofire|

Yes please.

- Triple Attack
Doesn't make any sense that every other 2hand user got a strong buff to 2hs and rangers feel impotent in comparison. Also we got hosed on itemization for 2hs in Velious anyway. Can't even use Tunare sword or any of the great 2hs from ToV.

- Increased weapon proc rate + haste buff
Call of Fire/Sky line doesn't increase proc rate but it adds an additional thing you can proc. A lot. And often. We also already get a haste buff in the form of the Sky Cloak. Not the easiest thing to get but it's the most rewarding item for a ranger. The only other class to have a clicky haste that matters is monk and that's their damn epic. I don't see a reason to change what's available to us, here.

- Increased Tracking Range
To what end? Most zones don't benefit from increased tracking distance. Not to say there isn't value in it, but it's not hard to maneuver around the zone enough to cover even ToV as is.

- Fix pet track (remove it altogether)
A novel concept.

- Dual wield before L17
To what level? I wouldn't go below 15.

- Double attack before L20
To what level? I wouldn't go below 20, here. Or, I'd keep dual wield at 17 and put double attack at 15.

- SoW before L30
Ehhhh 22, maybe?

- OP Ranger only weapons like SK
We already get all sorts of special and neat proccing weapons that debuff AC or have big fire/cold nukes, or root/snare. I think we did get hosed on 2hs in velious but the actual items available to us give us a large repertoire as is.

- Instant Camo item like SK
Technically we do get invis vs animals and it's not the most useful, but not the least useful item, either.

- Increased damage outdoors
This feels action-RPG-esque and I don't like it. No other class has an advantage like that at the moment.

- Faster run speed outdoors
A version of spirit of scale or cheetah wouldn't hurt.

- Ultravision type spell @ L9
We get Dance of the Fireflies at 15. Eyes of the Cat, an infravision spell is at 30. I don't think we need ultravision, but I do think the current levels are ridiculous. level 9 or 15 seems fine for Dance of the Fireflies but level 22 for Eyes of the Cat feels more accurate.

- Epic Bow quest
Add on to the Rain Caller quest. Alternatively, and this is what I feel is better to fit in with the idea of custom content/Lucllin content: Give Rangers 1 AA skill: Endless Quiver. Make it a quest to earn it. Best fucking epic quest imaginable.

- Choice of agnostic
Odd request but, sure.

- Campfire (increased recovery around the campfire)
Feels action-RPG-esque again. Live has it, though. I appreciate it's benefits but eh.. I don't think it belongs in EQ.

- Innate play dead ability like a possum
Nah. If our root and snare spells didn't cast like they are level 9 equivalent I'd say we're more than fit to play crowd control and pulling as-is. I'm fucking livid that Shamans can land their level 14 ROOT spell better than I can land any of mine.

- A hat that doesn't look like you're wearing a tit on your head[/QUOTE]
Tit hats are in fashion, loser.