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Old 01-01-2022, 02:34 PM
Samoht Samoht is offline
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Originally Posted by DeathsSilkyMist [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
There are three problems with your reasoning behind why my gear is "wrong".

1. You assume max HP is the best stat to get on all classes, at all levels, in all situations. That is incorrect. At higher levels, when a tank is benefiting greatly from STA, you don't need to put as much max HP on, unless you are a raid tank warrior who is getting CH chained.

2. You don't take in to account my race, which is Troll. I already have at least +34 STA over any non Ogre/Troll SK race, which means I can focus a bit less on STA/HP and end up in the same place[You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.] That minimum +34 STA is giving me at least 150 HP at 58 over most SK's.

3. You assume inventory space isn't a factor on melee characters who have a lot of items they need to swap out. I don't have much space left in my bags due to having lots of clickies, weapons, resist gear, keys, spell reagents, etc. Some of my items are designed to give me good coverage in all situations, so I don't need another item in my bags.

Now, on to your item suggestions:

1. Vindi Boots honestly suck really bad. They cost a lot of DKP and barely give you more stats than other easy to get boots. You will also be swapping them for Blood Ember Boots or resistance gear, so they don't get used that often. Sorry you wasted your DKP. Barbed Dragonscale Boots are in the same boat, minus the wasted DKP. Most SK boots suck, so it doesn't really matter what you put there. I use SS Boots simply for the AC and decent balance of stats. They are also easy to get in any HoT pick X group, as plate boots are one of the least popular pieces. If I need resistance boots on swap, I have , which are better than Boots of Dark Passage.

2. HP rings are overrated at high levels, especially on a non raid tank. I would say I survive at less than 5% health 1/100 times when I screw up at something like pulling. If you screw up bad, you will die anyway, a little bit of extra HP won't help. The MR and ATK is helping me more, and I don't have bag room for something like a 6/65 that I would rarely use. Unless you are a super squishy class like an Enchanter, you don't need as much Max HP gear always on unless you want to be a raid tank. If you are playing efficiently as an SK, you should never be at 100% HP so you can make use of things like HP regen and life tap. This is especially true on Trolls/Iksars, who have great innate regen.

3. Most arms suck, so swapping one for another make basically no difference. Thurg arms are better for low INT SK's like Trolls due to the mana, and they also have some MR. Remember, I have way more STR and STA than most races anyway.

4. Same argument with Spider Fur Belt. I have plenty of HP, but I need more DEX for my weapon procs.

5. Velium Encrusted Gauntlets are nice, but they are a raid piece, and honestly not the best use of DKP unless you like moving them around to other toons. You are paying a DKP tax for them being tradeable. Honestly saving your DKP for Gauntlets of Dragon Slaying would be better than Velium Encrusted Gauntlets once we get into raid item territory. For non raid gloves Fennin Ro works well on Troll, as I get more ATK from them than normal gloves with +5ish STR on them, and most SK gloves have low AC anyway. Fennin Ro also has FR, which helps trolls recover from their innate -20 FR. Gloves also get swapped for Blood Ember, so you aren't wearing them all the time.

6. I don't like Band of Eternal Flame as an item. The -10 CR sucks, so you need to swap it out situationally more often than other rings. I prefer a 6/65 ring over that item. If you want a wider distribution of stats similar to Band of Eternal Flame, is better.
nah, all this shit is just wrong. max HP is pretty much the only thing to go for on any melee and some priest/caster classes, too. no reason not to go for max HP even if you're a troll. you're very clearly wearing situation resist gear then go on to complain about situation resist gear, lol. you're just wrong about HP, boots, spider fur belt, everything.

please don't make gear recommendations to anybody else on this forum ever again. i'd recommend deleting your magelo so that nobody else ever has to witness that again.
Originally Posted by Alarti0001 View Post
Also its pretty hard not to post after you.. not because you have a stimulating(sic), but because you are constantly patrolling RnF and filling it with your spam.