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Old 01-04-2022, 04:43 PM
Ketu Garyx Ketu Garyx is offline

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Join Date: Oct 2011
Posts: 298

Originally Posted by Larken [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Give red a go, it's a refreshing and thrilling experience with a 200% exp bonus. + you don't lose anything except coins on the extreme rare occasion someone kills you in pvp. +/- 4 level range. Considering how fast you level you'll out level any parked twink PK in a leveling spot in a few hours.
Give it a go for a few hours and see how you feel. We even got Auld Lang Syne on red.
I played on Rallos Zek primarily back in the day, I am a little too casual these days for red, it isn't really what I am looking for right now, thank you though!
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