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Old 02-04-2022, 02:36 AM
tadkins tadkins is offline
Fire Giant

Join Date: Jun 2018
Posts: 589

Originally Posted by Tunabros [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
what did you mean by "send messages to non guilded characters"?
My decently leveled characters that do not have a guild constantly got tells from a certain guild on the server trying to get me to join. I'm trying to find a guild where I can make friends and not have to fear group content, and a guild that doesn't seem to actually want to talk to me first probably isn't going to be it. They don't know at all who I am, I don't know who they are, and I just don't see myself having deep comraderie with a group like that.

For every guild I join, I respond to requests all the time. I would port people, I would help them with transfers, I would do all those little things whenever I could. I do my best to show that I'm a team player. Then after a while I build up the courage to ask for help with something, and basically every time I'd be met with crickets. As if all of the effort I put in previously meant nothing.

Maybe I'm expecting too much out of a guild? But then what about those guys who get to run together with a guild group off on some fun adventure? I've ported whole groups like that before to some place like WL or CS, fun high level places full of excitement and profit, and wished in my heart of hearts that I could join them. That's all I've ever wanted out of this game.