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Old 02-07-2022, 11:08 PM
DeathsSilkyMist DeathsSilkyMist is offline
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Originally Posted by zati [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
I don't raid either and gain nothing from it whether new "rules" get implemented or mechanics are changed but I tell ya this knowing scripts can be ran makes the server "less worthy" in my point of view. Rotations are even worse. Only a Dev can make the solution which will be very unclassic anyhow and they've already coded it. Shadow step the mob on spawn entirely in random locations like badain then let it path to it's normal spawn point..kind of makes it fair because it's like an Egg hunt and you'll need trackers in every inch of Kael to spot it and you can't optimize a path towards it so even using a script would never work.. Or a straight up /random for Statue,Dain.. /shrug
Oh I agree, I am not condoning cheaters. I prefer competition to be fair. My main problem is OP simply hasn't brought good evidence, or good solutions hehe. A /random for the mob would be a pseudo-rotation, so I wouldn't want that, and it sounds like you don't want rotations either. The shadowstep idea is essentially the same as a /random, as the server controls the /random roll as well as the random new location you teleport to. That wouldn't be done client-side.

The only reasonable solution I can think of is simply allowing everybody to use these kinds of scripts for races. As people stated previously in this thread, the initial start off the line isn't the only factor. If you don't practice the most efficient path to the mob, you will still lose. If everybody is using the same script it is "fair", but people with lower ping will still trigger their scripts faster, so there is no real solution to that problem.