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Old 03-31-2022, 01:36 PM
7thGate 7thGate is offline

Join Date: Dec 2015
Posts: 345

This is Auld Lang Syne, except for the no wiki access part.

And yes, it was pretty amazing to level up with friends, questing all those quests that people don't do anymore and going out to earn all of your upgrades. I loved going from rusty weapons to snake fangs, to getting my first magical weapon drop from a Lesser Blade Fiend in Unrest, to doing my Burning Rapier quest before getting some of the Kunark weapons, culminating in doing my Epic.

I loved exploring Najena, Befallen, Sol A, Kedge, Droga and Siren's Grotto with other at level guildies. Doing my epic entirely in guild with a motely collection of level mid 50's and a 60 necro was the highlight of my P99 gaming experience.

Green server kind of killed most of the leveling activity and population in guild though, as the majority of people who wanted this kind of experience could get it there. We have a small group of mostly level 60's who stuck around that do raiding as part of the Aegis alliance, and an occasional smattering of new people trickling in for a bit or someone running an alt in guild. Without an active group leveling up though, its a very different experience that when I joined.

Perhaps the time has come to try and put together a new cohort interested in questing their way up together.
Jayya - 60 Rogue, Officer <Auld Lang Syne>

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