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Old 04-05-2022, 03:46 PM
Kelendil_Arclight Kelendil_Arclight is offline

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Join Date: Jun 2011
Location: Texas (from FL)
Posts: 117

TMO (The Mystical Order) went in first, and was closely followed by IB (Inglourious Basterds). Scoring kills on the very first day. I think there was a roll on who would get to kill which dragon on opening day, so we were assigned our requisite targets. The only dragon I remember being particularly troublesome at first was Sontalak. Almost everything else went down fairly quickly within a few days. I recall the opening ceremony with everyone at the dungeon gate including GMs and guides with their unique GM weapons which looked pretty cool.

As time went on it was a typical race for FTE which became very heated and competitive forcing us to adopt some very innovative and interesting (at least to me) tactics some of which were some of the coolest things I've seen in EQ yet, including moving our entire raid force to an area that was essentially unaccessible and not forseen by the GMs which caused them to eventually ban using the location.

Overall it was a lot of fun. Phara Dar was a loot pinata, but I stopped playing my warrior just before it was my turn to loot a crown. Ahh well whatever.

But to really answer your question our leadership had pretty good intel on the ins and outs of the dungeon well before we went in. All that was left was to fine tune the individual engagements.
Main Tank of <The Mystical Order>
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