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Old 05-01-2022, 03:56 PM
PlsNoBan PlsNoBan is offline
Fire Giant

Join Date: Jul 2018
Posts: 815

Originally Posted by bomaroast [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Only a ranger would say that rangers have "just enough tankiness to tank." Unfortunately they don't, and anyone who plays a healer can attest to it. Healing a ranger is about like healing a shaman with regards to tankiness.
I've healed ranger tanks plenty of times and I disagree. They tank just fine in groups. I spend waaaaaaaaaaaaaay more mana with warrior tanks that can't hold aggro for shit trying to heal 4 people all the time vs just keeping the ranger (that never loses aggro) up. It's not even close.
1: Mage is a better group DPS class than Shaman
2: Enchanters solo better than Warriors

These statements are not up for debate amongst sane human beings
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