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Old 05-07-2022, 12:48 PM
starkind starkind is offline

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i'm not saying we shouldn't

we should know though

and we should find better alnternatives and do without a little u know - hold ppl accountable for doing it right - like using ethyl instead --- even if the profit margin is 3% instead of 80%

now that has it's own pitfalls

i'm just saying we can be smart luddites with technological progression it's important to learn this stuff less we make these mistakes

even if we kill off everyone!!!!!!!! than we can leave some tablets behind (i'm not saying this is G-d) I pretty much believe in G-d the G-d as a source of everything and sorta being everything that was is and will be

now -----

think about it like this though

I wonder if I'm dying from lead poisoning

My mom and dad were in the electrical engineering fields and my mom was a solderer and i lived outside a giant copper mine (not sure about this one might have been totally safe) among other things I was born at the tail end of 80-81 so right when lead poisoining was tapering off, but way out west were everyone was like ppssshhh --- maybe that worked in my favor tho because mormons are sorta luddites sometimes

anyway ---- i grew up with a lot of lead solder in the house and the fumes from that and hanging out and did a lot of soldering for work too i mean my lead exposure is right up there

---- i'm not playing the victim card here i'm just rationally laying this out as an example and my current symptoms are very much like Mr Midges (or whatever his name was)

now that lead usage let us build computers and do things and may indeed save all of us one day - like you say jibartik - pure luddism is certain death and no great dark beyond in the vasstly deep realms of the infinite with satan.


I'm just saying

Be aware

Don't just do things for pleasure or power

hold other people accountable to that

and share this great big beautiful earth and existence G-d gave you. Satan doesn't give a flying fuck whether we live or die. If anything were a curiosity that Satan is JEALOUS of.

I hope this is interesting and not just more annoying shitposting.

G-d Bless.

Maybe cancer rates have gone up, maybe they are always pretty high, I don't know how much, maybe they need to go up to 50% for the human species to ascend. I think we can do better. I don't want to be like California were everything is cancer. I also don't want to be like the Roman empire. I feel like the romans had good thing going for them if they could have staved off lavish decadence and collapse.

and we should strive for progress, like using nuclear fission to crack hydrogen fuel cells out of things. Or building minisuns.

I'm trying to say this is much bigger than lead or nukelear. And Nukclear is a good option. Compared to most others, with the least casualties. Mix that in with some low energy luddism and you maybe have an interesting long term mode that will work while we learn more interesting stuff, like where the shadowmen come and go from.
Last edited by starkind; 05-07-2022 at 12:53 PM..
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