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Old 05-30-2022, 03:18 AM
Keza Keza is offline

Join Date: Jan 2015
Posts: 124

The main reasons people hate SoL is because of the graphics upgrade combined with their declining interest resulting in their eventual evacuation to WoW. I think that launched during OoW? I know that seems like a long time after but remember how quickly they chucked out Xpacs back then. I personally recall quitting EQ and just reading books until WoW came out. That was also the last time I read a book. I mean I enjoyed Mercedes Lackey's books but there's only so much time one can dedicate to entertainment and apparently Disney's dogshit is more important to me. Alright, I don't have an excuse for that one.

Anyway, SoL isn't much different from the rest of the game. It's PoP that heavily changes the game with the effective removal of druids/wizards via teleport books in every other zone, but SoL did add KeI and SoE I believe. Big mistakes, but ones that were exacerbated heavily by the PoP books resulting in easy access buff-hubs for 3 hour long remote powerlevels. Without PoP the buffs are still OP but there's not a literal economy based around buffing people. Also that could be removed by the anti-classic inability to group buff low levels. Which I'd be for. Just saying.

I'd enjoy it, but it's their emu so I can hardly complain about what the people want.
Last edited by Keza; 05-30-2022 at 03:21 AM..
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