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Old 07-19-2022, 02:35 AM
Cerendipity Cerendipity is offline

Join Date: Oct 2019
Posts: 17

Originally Posted by Cerendipity [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Remade the toon. Same thing. Deleted the toon and went into EQ folder and deleted everything with her name on it. Remade the toon logged in to Akanon and hit attack - everything ok. Transfered all gear re did all windows and UI. Zoned to Steamfont made a pet and attacked a skellie and froze again.
Its either Steamfont zone or her name. Every time I hit attack the game freezes up and I have to task manager out.
Zoned into Gfay. Same thing. Logged out in Gfay. deleted everything in EQ folder with her name on it. Logged back in, attacked a bat and meleed it down - OK. Made a pet, attacked a wasp - ok. Going to go back to steamfont again.....for science

OK back in steamfont both meleed a mob and pet attacked a mob. Adjusting my UI 1 thing at a time and killing mobs in between to see if it's something in my ui set up doing it'
Well everything is as it should be and I am not freezing anymore - hell if I know what that was all about. Game just figured it would waste my entire evening I suppose. Bed time now - we will see if it does it again tomorrow
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