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Old 08-14-2022, 03:29 AM
Zuranthium Zuranthium is offline
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Originally Posted by DeathsSilkyMist [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
You are a noob. The most important part of any Torpor Shaman fight is the Pre-Slow phase. Again, you don't know any of this

More idiotic strawmans. I know perfectly well. Stop acting like you are smarter or more experienced. You aren't. You're just burying your head in the sand. Classic low rank fool who is scared of thinking there is something wrong with their play, so they don't improve it and stay hard stuck at a lower rank.

Originally Posted by DeathsSilkyMist [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Sigh. P99 has a max draw distance. Models disappear after that draw distance. The pather comes from outside of max draw distance. It is simple indeed. Hopefully you learned something new now.
There is no pather that's going to aggro outside the distance you can see. You are not saying anything new, you're simply wrong, and playing like a little kid who can't look around a corner. Also, your own video shows how easily you can see both other dragons in the distance once you get up to the edge, you're just full of shit. And if you're paying attention, then you would already know the pather isn't nearby anyway, before you go down to the water to sit your pet before going back up.

Originally Posted by DeathsSilkyMist [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
Finally, in any fight where you can land Malosini consistently... you don't need it lol.
Completely wrong. Your other spells are costly and/or take long times to cast. Sticking a Malosini in these fights is a great investment; if it prevents even 1 resist (assuming landing on first try) you have benefited. But it doesn't need to land on first try. If your spells are getting resisted 50% of the time with no Malosini and then only 1% with it, then needing to cast Malosini 3 times in a row before it lands is still a huge investment, as you are preventing a huge number of resists from that mana spent.

Originally Posted by DeathsSilkyMist [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
I am not sure what "lots of mana" is, the difference between Malo and Malosini is 150 mana. If I have to cast Malosini twice due to a resist, it costs 50 more mana than the single Malo lol.
You cast Malo twice in your other video, because of how slow you kill. That's 700 mana and you're getting less effect out of Malo than Malosini, leading to your spells getting resisted when there's a better chance they wouldn't have if you had Malosini up. You are also taking more damage to cast Malo, because you are getting hit by rounds of attack that you otherwise wouldn't if you had used Malosini and kept running out of melee distance.

Even IF you want to be using Malo at the start of the fight, then you should STILL be casting Malosini after it, as that's 200 mana and more impact as compared to 350 to recast Malo. You especially need to be using it when you're also weaving the poison DoT into fights. Your failure to do so is yet another thing you did wrong in your sad video where you act like you played correctly and proved something (you didn't).

Originally Posted by DeathsSilkyMist [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]
pre-summoning the pet doesn't save any significant amount of time
You are spending a big chuck of mana at the start of the fight by not having pet up, and you lost the time to cast another spell as the Dragon got into your melee range, because you were instead casting pet. What a clown.
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