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Old 08-27-2022, 03:52 PM
ithaqua ithaqua is offline

Join Date: Apr 2010
Posts: 95

Snare is amazing in a mnk/shm duo wherever you fight sow’ed fleeing mobs. Sure, the importance drops off rapidly if you outgear the content since you just dps them down or just handle eventual adds via rootparking or just slowtank them.
But IF you take on a camp where an add(s) means wipe it’s super useful. Root can of course help but doesn’t overwrite sow, breaks randomly and can be tricky to reapply in a twisty dungeon.
Specific examples ssra basement for the dusty soriz pouch... here on p99? Anywhere with densely packed mobs with pesky shamans, velks/sig maybe, Sebilis definetly? Had a 10 years break so someone else can probably fill in specific camps.
And yes, of course there’s several ways to handle such situations, monk with nerfbat, liberal use of dispel, social root etc.
But the inny neck adds a new possible way to handle runners that non-Innoruuk worshippers doesn’t have access to
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