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Old 10-02-2022, 09:12 AM
Ghost of Starman Ghost of Starman is offline

Join Date: Apr 2017
Posts: 157

Originally Posted by NegaStoat [You must be logged in to view images. Log in or Register.]

World of Warcraft did have some cartoony graphics and it also had spoon fed leveling on the rails. From what I recall at the time, those were the two key elements that drove people away from it. Well, the ones that were seeking something else that felt more challenging. But I don't know. On both the EQ and WoW based forum boards I didn't really see a fair number of posts from upset players that said something along the lines of "I'm heading back to EQ, this is dumb."
If anyone was driven away from WoW during classic is was an extreme minority, vanilla WoW was an excellent evolution of the MMO genre for the vast majority of players.

It got rid of some of the most tedious elements of EQ (like extremely painful CRs and the almost complete inability of some classes to solo) which the majority of people didn't enjoy, while improving raid and dungeon boss mechanics, instancing them so you got to actually experience all the content, made it so you actually moved through a zone instead of camping in one spot for hours, etc.

the classic WoW servers would have been a blast except for the horrible, horrible player base and Blizzard refusing to change things. Level 60 mages shouldn't have been able to run people through low level zones for XP, world buffs should not have been a raiding requirement, and the worst of the worst was the whole community was overrun by an extreme min-max mentality to where you would only bring specific classes to raids to steamroll them as fast as possible. The game was the same, but the player base sure wasn't,
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