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Old 10-06-2022, 09:11 PM
Menden Menden is offline
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Kingdom vs ST - Vulak 8/14/22
ST concedes Vulak x2. After further discussion and review with the team, we are enforcing the "two tracker" rule in this situation. It may not have had an immediate effect on this specific Vulak, but the rule was still broken and we feel it's our duty to enforce them in our adjudication.

@everyone In our initial review of the 8/14 petition we made the mistake in assessing the amount of trackers ST had for Vulak. After re-assessing we found that there were only two active trackers at once. You are permitted to camp and gate trackers as long as there's only two active trackers on at any given point. We apologize for this mistake and absolve Good Guys(ST) from their current 2x Vulak suspension."